The Rules Of Texas Hold Em

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Everything you need to know to play your first game of Texas Holdem. Texas Holdem Guide » Part 2 » Part 3 » Part 4. Good luck and enjoy! Texas Holdem Rules. Your first task is to learn the rules of Texas Holdem. The game appears to be complicated because there are 4 rounds, each with a new card and opportunity to bet. Learn the Basic Rules of Texas Holdem From a full deck (52 cards), players are dealt two, face down ‘hole cards’. Between two (heads up) and ten (full ring) players can play. One player is always the dealer, and two players must always post blinds – small blind and big blind.

General concepts to keep in mind:

The Rules Of Texas Hold Em

Texas Hold’em can be divided into four distinct betting rounds, the first of which is the pre-flop round. Prior to this round, the cards are shuffled and the player to the left of the dealer must make a forced bet known as the small blind. Texas Hold’em Rules Like most poker games, Texas Hold’em uses a single standard deck of 52 playing cards, sometimes called the French deck. You also need a poker table (or several, if it’s a multi-table tournament), and you need poker chips to bet with. Most importantly, you need at least two people to.

  • Some hands don’t have a possible tie breaker scenario in Texas Hold’em Poker. Which may be different in other forms of Poker.
HAND:Royal Flush
– A tie break is not possible as two players cannot have a Royal Flush in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If the dealer deals a Royal Flush via the 5 community cards, then the pot is split amongst all players.
HAND: Straight Flush
– A tie break is not possible as two players cannot have a Straight Flush which is ranked the same in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If the dealer deals a Straight Flush via the 5 community cards, then the pot is split amongst all players provided no player holds a Royal Flush (meaning the Straight Flush is the strongest hand on the table).
– If two Players have a Straight Flush, then the higher Straight Flush wins (the Straight Flush ending in the highest ranked card).
HAND: Four of a Kind
– A tie is not possible as two players cannot have a matching Four of a Kind except in the case where a dealer deals Four of a Kind via community cards.
– If this happens, then the Kicker comes into place, whichever player holds the highest ranked card when looking at their hole cards wins.
– If the 5th community card the “Kicker on the board”is higher than any of the players hole cards, then the pot is split.
HAND: Full House
– If two players have the same Full House, the pot is split always.
– The strength of the Full House is determined by the 3 matching cards first, followed by the 2 matching cards (pair). Example of Full House K-K-K-A-A beats K-K-K-9-9 and so fourth. A-A-A-K-K beats K-K-K-A-A.
– A Kicker is not used to determine a winner for and identical Full House in Texas Hold’em Poker, therefore the pot is split.
– It’s not possible for two or more players to have the same Flush in Texas Hold’em Poker.
– If two players have a Flush, the highest Flush wins (the Flush with the highest Ranked Card taking into account the players Hole Cards and Community Cards).
If the dealer deals a Flush via Community Cards and it’s the highest Flush when taking into account all Players Hole Cards, the pot is split amongst all players in the hand.
– Highest Flush is determined by the players cards combined with the board cards taking into account the highest combination of the two.
– For example the board shows a Flush of Ah-Jh-8h-7h-6h. Player A has a Kh and 2h. Player B has a 10h and 9h. Player A wins because we supplement their Kh to complete the hand making his flush the highest.
HAND: Straight
– In the event that two players or more have the same Straight via community cards the pot is split.
– If two or more players make a Straight using their hole cards and community cards, then the highest Straight wins. The Straight ending in the highest ranked card.
– In any case where a Straight ends in the highest ranked cards among all players regardless of suit, the pot is split.
HAND: Three of a Kind
– If two or more players have the same Three of a Kind (suit does not matter in this hand) Then the fourth highest card (one of the players Hole Cards or a community card, whichever is higher ranked) is used to determine the winner.
– If there is a tie between the fourth strongest card (highest ranked card) then the fifth card is used.
– If there is a time between the fifth card, the pot is split (this would be extremely rare).
HAND: Two Pair
– If two or more players have the same Two Pair (suit does not matter in this hand) Then the fifth highest card (one of the Players Hole Cards or a Community Card) is used to determine the winner.
– If player have the same kickers, or if the community card is the highest card, then the pot is split.
HAND: High Card
– In the event that all players have the same identical 5 cards in Texas Hold’em Poker the pot is split. This would be extremely rare.
– In any other case the players hole cards are used to determine the winner. The highest hole card wins.
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Rules of Texas Holdem:

Texas Hold’em by far the most popular form of poker online. Poker’s simplest variant contains just the right balance of skill, strategy and luck to keep the internet poker players hooked, and beginners gagging for more.

Learn the Basic Rules of Texas Holdem

  • From a full deck (52 cards), players are dealt two, face down ‘hole cards’. Between two (heads up) and ten (full ring) players can play.
  • One player is always the dealer, and two players must always post blinds – small blind and big blind.
  • There is a round of betting pre-flop (before the first three community cards are dealt). In No-Limit Hold’em, a player can move all-in at any stage. In Pot-Limit Hold’em, a player can only bet the ‘pot’ (money in the middle), or factors of the pot. In Limit Hold’em, a player can only raise one big blind.
  • On his turn, a player has three options – he can fold (muck his cards), check (invest no further money) or raise (increase the pot size).
  • After the first round of betting, the flop is delivered. There is another round of betting.
  • After the fourth card, the ‘turn’, there is another round of betting.
  • There is a final round of betting after the ‘river’, the fifth community card is dealt.
  • The aim of the game is to make the best five card hand. The player who achieves this scoops the pot.

Here is a chart summarizing the hand rankings in Texas Hold’em. Of course, it is very rare you actually see a Royal Flush or Four of a Kind. The most common scenario is a player hitting a pair. If both players hit the same pair, then the pot is awarded to the person with the highest ‘kicker’.

For instance, on a 5c 10d Jh 2s 7s board, Steve has Ac Js. His five card hand is Jh Js Ac 10d 7s, so in full word form, ‘a pair of jacks with ace kicker’. John holds Kd Jd. He holds a pair of jacks with king kicker, and so loses the pot. In Texas Hold’em, the ace can represent high or low. So you can make a straight, Ace to 5, and a straight 10-Ace. If both players table exactly the same hand, the pot is split.


Table set up:


Now you know the basics, let’s look at how the game works in practice. This screenshot is taken from a full ring (9 player) table on Full Tilt Poker, one of the biggest online poker sites. It may look confusing at first, but we’ll explain all the terms.

This is a $2/$4 No Limit Hold’em game. This means that two players must post blinds of $2 (small blind) and $4 (big blind) respectively. In this case, ‘spades42011’ and ‘loques’ are the blinds. ‘crudobad’ is the dealer.

Before the flop, ‘lryyyyyy’ is first to act. Therefore he is in ‘early position’ – he must act the ‘earliest’ before the flop. He has three options – he can fold (commit no money to the pot), flat call (call the big blind of $4) or raise. So why are loques and spades in early position? Although they act last before the flop, because they are on the blinds, they must act first on every other ‘street’ (after the flop, turn and river). Your ‘position’ is determined by your seat, in relation to the dealer. The dealer is always in late position, as he is the last player to act on the flop, turn and river.

Texas Hold'em Rules Print Out

The later position you are in, the better. This is because you can adjust your actions to how people act before you. If you are in late position, you have more information on your opponents holding.

Starting Hands

A lot of Texas Hold’em is about selecting the right starting hands to play. For beginners, we advocate playing tight – this means only playing a small range of hands.

Hands such as AA, KK and QQ are premium hands, and should be played very aggressively. Hands such as AK suited and JJ are also very powerful holdings. We should be more careful about playing hands like AQ, and pocket pairs such as 10,10 and 9,9, but they are still strong holdings. We should be very careful about playing marginal hands such as KQ, KQ, A10, as in a full ring game, it’s quite likely there is a superior holding. The earlier your position on the table, the tighter you should play, because there is a higher chance someone acting after you will have a better holding.

The Rules Of Texas Holdem

There is also value in playing hands like suited connectors (6d 7d) in multi-way pots, because they have flush and straight potential. With these hands, you have the potential to rake in a big pot if you connect with the flop. You should only play these kind of hands if you are getting the right pot-odds (i.e. you stand to win a lot of money on your investment). This will be explained in more detail in later articles.

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Texas Holdem Rules For Beginners

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